Nasz klient VIP#8

35 years old
70 kg
178 cm
Status: single / bachelor
Kids: no
living in Poland
Relocation: yes
Languages: German – native; English fluent

Look / Style

Our VIP client has dark hair, green-blue eyes, slim and athletic body build. His
favorite style is smart casual,

Education / Work

Our client has a university degree related to business
He has a stable professional position, works in the financial sector
(banking), Origin / Family
His family is of German origin,

Values / Relationships

Our client feels good about himself and looks for deeper values in people. He
likes to work with money but he is not attracted by money as a lifestyle. Has
created a favorable social environment for himself free from pressure for
money, with activities that are beyond financial resources only.

Leisure time / Passions

Our client leads a regular lifestyle, still adjusting in a pretty new environment.
He enjoys sports, exercising and cycling
He likes to dance
Does not smoke cigarettes, drinks alcohol occasionally.

Match woman

Age 27 – 35, she is ambitious, kind and a good character person. Self-conscious,
knows what she wants. On the formal side, maiden or divorced, no children.
Non-smoker, drinks alcohol occasionally.

0033 - Nasz klient VIP#8